FDAS - Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
FDAS stands for Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Here you will find, what does FDAS stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fire Detection and Alarm Systems? Fire Detection and Alarm Systems can be abbreviated as FDAS What does FDAS stand for? FDAS stands for Fire Detection and Alarm Systems. What does Fire Detection and Alarm Systems mean?Fire Detection and Alarm Systems is an expansion of FDAS
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Alternative definitions of FDAS
- frequency distribution analysis sheet
- Four Design A/S
- Flight Data Acquisition System
- Defense Finance and Accounting Services
- Flight Deck Access System
View 6 other definitions of FDAS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FDC FLow Duration Course
- FDFAS Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System
- FDIS Final Draft International Standard
- FEES Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard
- FEF Fire and Emergency File
- FEH Flood Estimation Handbook
- FER Fundamental Expenditure Review
- FES Fabric Energy Storage
- FETA Federation of Environmental Trade Associations
- FF Floor Finishes